2-5-10 Sue Thompson
I last wrote about singer Sue Thompson in 2002. I know of her because I inherited a 45 of “
These latter day MGM / Hickory LP’s feature some songs from her earlier albums in stereo…some in stereo for the first time:
(re-issue of LPS-168 “The Two Of Us Together”, with a new cover)
Mercury / Wing SRW-16317-W This is where some of her 1950’s Mercury 45’s / 78’s turn up! “The Country Side of Sue Thompson” [1966, 50’s recordings; stereo is electronically reprocessed]
Various Artists [1970] This is where these Sue Thompson tracks appear in true stereo for the first time: Sad Movies (Make Me Cry) / Paper Tiger / Have A Good Time /
Happily, there are several Sue Thompson CD’s available:
1995 18 TRK Collection
1991 12 TRK Collection
2003 26 TRK Collection, stereo
Go for the Ace
whiedHi Ron,
You're absolutely right! Sue Thompson is alive and kickin' and still singing on occasion. She's an amazing 84 years old and lives in high Mojave Desert country in Pahrump, NV about 75 minutes from the Las Vegas strip.
I'm have the honor and pleasure of helping her write her autobiography.
We're building a website and a myspace site that will be up soon.
I'll keep you posted. You seem like a great knowledgable fan.
Sue would love to hear from you, I'm sure. She doesn't have email yet but we just fixed her husband, Ted, up with a laptop.
If you'd like, send a note to me and I'll relay it to her. I see her 3-4 times a week. dankeenan41@yahoo.com or keenan.dj@gmail.com
btw, there's a great digitally remastered CD of her western swing music at Mercury Records from 1950-54. It includes the very first recording anybody made of the classic "You Belong to Me." The CD is called "Angels Cry" produced by the British Archive of Country Music. You can order directly from their fantastic online catalogue. I can't pull up their site now but do a search and you'll find them.
Glad I ran across your blog.
Please visit the "new" Sue Thompson website that anchorman (my hubby) referred to: http://www.suethompsoninternational.com/
It's not totally complete, but we're getting there.
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